
GHEtool Cloud is built to meet today’s geothermal engineering challenges, integrating state-of-the-art methods that provide unprecedented accuracy and reliability. Our tool offers a powerful suite of features that streamline borefield design, optimize efficiency, and enhance decision-making.

You can try GHEtool 14 days for free, no credit card required.

Key features

What makes GHEtool unique?


Available for all bundles

Since GHEtool runs in the cloud, we are the first tool that you can use on Windows, Mac OS and Linux based systems! All calculations take place on our dedicated servers, so your interface won’t even blink when you start a heavy calculation.

Custom reporting

Available with all bundles
Reporting is important. Next to our default reporting (view example) we give you the opportunity to customize your report template with your logo, colours and general terms (view example).

Pressure drop calculation

Available for all bundles

Next to thermal design, also the hydraulic design of borefield is important. To make your life easier, every calculations will, next to the borehole thermal resistance and Reynolds number, also give you the pressure drop per borehole.

Combine active & passive cooling

Available starting from "Design" bundle

Did you every wonder if it is possible to combine active and passive cooling on a geothermal borefield? Yes, it is! With GHEtool Cloud we offer you two methodologies to intelligently calculate the ground temperature response when using both active and passive cooling on the same borefield.

Detailed borefield design

Available starting from "design" bundle

Forget preconfigured borefields—design with total flexibility! With GHEtool Cloud, you can effortlessly import borehole coordinates from GIS or CAD software, giving you full control over your layout. And yes, tilted boreholes are fully supported, making complex designs easier than ever!

Hybrid system design

Available starting from "Optimisation" bundle

Complex projects require advanced methods for the optimisation of the borefield design. With GHEtool, you can design your borefield as being part of a hybrid system, next to other sources of heating and cooling, making this the last geothermal design tool you’ll ever need.

Multi-year data

Available with "optimisation" bundle

Big projects are often done in multiple phases. With GHEtool, you can import hourly and monthly loads for multiple years, so you can identify the ground temperature evolution at every stage of your masterplan.

Ground layers

Available starting from "Design" bundle

Looking for the most detailed ground model for your design? Within GHEtool you have the possibility to add your ground data on a layer-by-layer basis for the most accurate temperature calculations.

What's included

Discover all features of GHEtool Cloud

Optimisation Design Essentials
Ideal for complex geothermal projects or master planning. Ideal for detailed design of most geothermal projects. Ideal for quick calculations with limited information.
Unlimited boreholes
Different units
Monthly load resolution (absolute/relative)
Domestic hot water demand
Different start months
Geothermal and building loads
Work with SCOP and SEER
Calculate geothermal imbalance
Dynamic borehole thermal resistance calculation
Pressure drop calculation
Separatus heat exchanger
(learn about Separatus)
Hourly load resolution
Borefield by coordinate
Tilted boreholes
Import borefield coordinates
Multiple ground layers
Export temperature profile
Switch from active to passive cooling in fixed months
Multi-year load input
(monthly and hourly)
Simulate with phased project
Intelligent switching
from active to passive cooling
Optimise geothermal power
Maximise geothermal energy
Hybridise system with maximum geothermal power
Design hybrid system
with active and passive cooling
Export optimised load
Insightful graphs on geothermal cooling performance
Starting from: €249/month €129/month €69/month

Interested in our different licensing schemes?

Impress and save hours

Discover our reporting licenses

Advanced reporting Standard reporting
Ideal for personalised reports used as quotation. Ideal for reporting to clients or internal use.
Company name
Report name
Report date
Multiple languages
Detailed export of GHEtool input
Own logo
Custom color scheme
Client contact information
Report subtitle
Author information
Company address
Attach general terms and conditions
Download example Download example

Interested in our different licensing schemes?

Ready to explore all possibilities of GHEtool Cloud?

And get most out of your 14-day trial period.

One integrated network

A network of tools

The open-source community behaves like a web, where all different tools and pieces of code are interconnected into one vast network of intercompatible code. GHEtool is no different. For all its ground temperature responses of the borefield for example, it uses pygfunction. For the fluid properties, it uses SecondaryCoolantProps.  Since GHEtool is built using these code bases, it can easily be extended to include other features of these two previous packages and implement innovations faster.

GHEtool is a software solution for engineers, construction companies and academia for borefield calculations. Discover our plans here.
GHEtool is a software solution for engineers, construction companies and academia for borefield calculations. Discover our plans here.

API via Python's PIP install

Being part of that open-source community, we also have an API available so our software itself is easily accessible via Python’s Pip or conda install and easy to integrate within existing systems. This API contains all community features. This is a very conscious choice since an API can facilitate for academia the development  of new methods and therefore expand the knowledge within the field.

Professional users can use the API of GHEtool Cloud. If you’re interested, you can contact us to discuss your specific project.


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