For the Professional version you get a 14 days trial period after which you pay a fee of €600 yearly for the first user and €200 per extra user. This makes GHEtool Pro an accessible, transparent and easy-to-scale software solution for both small and larger companies. For more than 10 licenses, you can contact us for a personal quote
GHEtool Pro caters to the needs of professional users, offering comprehensive features for geothermal borefield sizing and design optimization. It provides solutions for both general and complex design tasks, including hybridization, meeting the requirements of professionals seeking advanced capabilities in geothermal engineering.
GHEtool Pro
Developed for engineering firms, architects and drilling companies
+ €200/extra user
Easy-to-use user interface
One-click automated reporting
14 days free trial without limitations
Some reviews of our loyal users
The GHEtool is very user-friendly. I use it for a quick screening but also for sizing complex borefields.It is really easy to compare different scenarios which leads to quick decision making.
Seppe CuylaertsProces engineer, Kelvin Solutions
GHEtool is a useful and reliable tool to quickly design and optimize borefields.
I like that I can compare different configurations. It’s very intuitive and has lot’s of options.
Renee Cools Building Energy Specialist, B2Ai engineering
"Useful tool to look for optimizations of borefields. Compare different configurations easily and quickly with each other."
Frederik MaertensTeam Manager, sweco Belgium
“I like to use GHEtool because it is intuitive end easy to use.Furthermore, I like its extendability thanks to theopen-source nature of GHEtool.”
Tobias BlankePhD researcher, FH Aachen
Designing the ground heat exchanger properly is crucial for our analysis, but there is a lack of commercial software that meets our standards for accuracy and conformity to ASHRAE guidelines. Fortunately, I found GHEtool, an excellent open-source tool with user-friendly features. It is accurate and fast and helped me design the ground heat exchanger for my target facility's HVAC system. The best part is its well-written Python code and GUI, making it easy to use. I am excited for future improvements in GHEtool.
Abir AhsanPhD Student, UC Davis
"GHEtool is reliable and fast. The Python setup is easy to integrate for your own use. The code is well written and can be well understood. The tool is our favourite for configuring a borefield for the purpose of sector-coupled district planning."
Eveline SalzmannGIS and Geo-data specialist, Fraunhofer IEG